~ME 4 YEARS AGO with Bob and....before CANCER got My Daddy & He passed away and before CANCER GOT ME, BUT I KICKED CANCER'S BUTT, WOW, look how skinny I was....HA HA HA, don't think I will see that again~
~2 YEARS AGO, yesterday, JULY 4th, 2007, I was in the hospital fighting for my life....my very first chemo almost killed me~

~THIS WAS ME....LAST YEAR July 10th, 2008....hair growing in curly and thick, just like it was to begin with~
~THIS IS ME...., Alli Girl straightened my hair for me, but it's really curly and thick if she doesn't straighten it for me, TODAY, JULY 5th, 2009~
I got good reports back and I am officially cancer free....I just keep going back every 4 months and will keep you updated.
I LOVE ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE STUCK BY ME....Thru the thick and the thin and all the crap....BIG HUGS and KISSES TO ALL OF YOU!!!
I'm ALIVE, and doing VERY VERY WELL!!! And I only have 12 pounds to lose to be back where I was in the first picture....but I'm not gonna worry about it anymore!!!!
I'm ALIVE, and doing VERY VERY WELL!!! And I only have 12 pounds to lose to be back where I was in the first picture....but I'm not gonna worry about it anymore!!!!