WHAT A GREAT MAN I HAVE MARRIED, He managed to swing the truck around while hauling his big fishing boat and not only did he stop and check each piece out to make sure they were structurally sound but he loaded them up without any hesitation and unloaded them for me too. You see, I have am not used to having anyone do anything for me like that (years of bad marriages) and every time Bob does those kinds of things for me...I am amazed!!!! I would say, It's was a GOOD FRIDAY INDEED. Now the ideas are swirling around in my head and I really need to learn to sew. Couldn't you just see some adorable porch pillows on the wicker rocking chair and repaint the yellow porch sofa to white and add some happy vintage RED CHERRY Tablecloth pillows to it. What a fun find....AND WHAT AN AWESOME HUSBAND.....Thank you Bob!!! I AM TRULY BLESSED!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)

Good Friday was the day I went with my wonderful hubby to ride along to his Firefighter training class he was teaching. On the way home, we had to pick up his boat which was being serviced at the marina. As we drove home, we were taking the back roads and I saw, sitting across the road from a house, an old vintage wicker rocking chair and a bright yellow 1940's metal porch gliding sofa. I thought, "How strange to have those sitting next to a mail box across the street from the house." As we drove by I saw a HUGE SIGN tape on both pieces saying "FREE". OH, IMAGINE MY SURPRISE when I tried to sputter out the words, "PLEASE TURN AROUND...THAT STUFF IS FREE!!!"

WHAT A GREAT MAN I HAVE MARRIED, He managed to swing the truck around while hauling his big fishing boat and not only did he stop and check each piece out to make sure they were structurally sound but he loaded them up without any hesitation and unloaded them for me too. You see, I have am not used to having anyone do anything for me like that (years of bad marriages) and every time Bob does those kinds of things for me...I am amazed!!!! I would say, It's was a GOOD FRIDAY INDEED. Now the ideas are swirling around in my head and I really need to learn to sew. Couldn't you just see some adorable porch pillows on the wicker rocking chair and repaint the yellow porch sofa to white and add some happy vintage RED CHERRY Tablecloth pillows to it. What a fun find....AND WHAT AN AWESOME HUSBAND.....Thank you Bob!!! I AM TRULY BLESSED!!!
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)