I made it thru surgery okay. Other than puking my guts out from these drugs, I am doing okay. I feel like I have the flu and finally found a pain killer that isn't making me throw up. UGH!!!! I go in Monday to get this contraption off and hopefully get my drains out. I have been cut from my sternum to underneath my arm pits and it hurts like hell. Other than that....I am exhausted and feel like crap.
PLEASE PRAY FOR KRISTI....She was playing basketball for the ARMY WOMEN on Tuesday night and was hurt at the end of the game. The score was tied and she was fouled. She made the first free throw and went in to get her second shot that she knew was short and had her legs taken out from underneath her. They won the game (BIG DEAL I SAY). She called crying, she is on crutches and waiting for an MRI of her knee. All they gave her was painkillers, which she can't take, an ace bandage and crutches. She has to walk a mile and a half to her appointment, on crutches. I AM VERY UPSET to say the least. You see, she is the 2nd highest score in her class, meaning she only has one other person that is doing better than her, this is a HUGE SET BACK as they have her in limbo and a waiting status. SHE IS DEVASTATED and afraid she isn't going to graduate with her class. She passed her National Registry Test for her EMT so at least she has that going for her. I am just sick for her as this whole Army experience hasn't been the best for her. All I can tell her is that I will pray for her and that everything happens for a reason. A MOM FEELS SO HELPLESS, especially when I didn't want her to go in the first place!!!!
Thank you to everyone for your notes, phone calls and emails, I appreciate you more than you know,
Thank you to everyone for your notes, phone calls and emails, I appreciate you more than you know,
Love and Hugs, Amy
Amy Great to hear your surgery went well. Hoping for a wonderful outcome for you.
Oh poor kristi, good luck with her knee and my thoughs are with her.
Just got home and checked your blog to see if there was an update and yes, there was ! So glad you made it thru the fire (again) and I know you will be feeling fine in no time. :o) Sorry to hear of Kristi's trouble.....I will be praying for her too! Try not to worry too much...it isn't good for you !! God Bless you dear Amy! Love, Lori
Hello Amy,
Glad to hear you are home and found a pain pill that doesn't make you sick. Super happy for you that your surgery went well and that you are healing.
Sorry to hear about your daughter's accident..can't believe that she has to walk in crutches...
Oh...so sorry to heat Kristi hurt herself....I will for sure keep her in my prayers.
I am glad that you are home and are OK....you've been on my mind. Take it easy and try to relax and not worry...I know that won't be easy.
Glad that your surgery is over now. Praying that you will have nothing but smooth sailing after this! Prayers for Kristi, too. At least our TX weather isn't bad right now, but gosh, why does she have to walk to her appts?
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Yikes! Having those implants out sounds worse than having a mastectomy. I've had one, so I know.
You are very wise to tell Kristie that things happen for a reason.
God Bless her.
Prayers are going up for KRISTI, I am thankful you have this behind you I will be praying for a swift healing for you and Kristi....
be safe in Jesus, is my prayer...
from the heart of Texas...
Amy, Thanks for letting me know you were finally able to post about your surgery. Glad you found a pain medication that that does not make you puke. Hang in there, hopefully soon you will be feeling much better.
So sorry about Kristi. I know how helpless you must feel about whats going on with her. How sad the way the Army is treating her, shame on them!
Try your best not to worry and get as much rest as possible.
Hugs & much love ~Mary~
Amy, I hope both of you heal quickly and are free from pain.
Dear Amy,
I'll pray that you and Kristi are feeling better soon. I can't believe she has to walk on crutches to her appointments. That is just not right!!
Hugs, Susan
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