It weighs heavy on my heart and with such pain and sorrow from the news I got today, I am asking for your thoughts and prayers to pour over OUR WONDERFUL BECKY, BARRY and SPENCER & the entire FAMILY. Her sweet son, JORDAN, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. I personally never met Jordan but from all the talks with Becky, I felt like I knew him through her because of that, HE IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE, ONE AWESOME GUY and forever loved so much, by so many!!!
He was in the AIR FORCE, A FIREFIGHTER, stationed in Florida. HE SERVED OUR COUNTRY and for that I am so PROUD OF HIM.
Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9
No words can express how sorry I am and how heart sick I feel. Becky, please know, Jordan is at peace and through YOU, BARRY and SPENCER, He will forever liveand we will never forget him.
I love you with all of my heart, Amy