Saturday, September 22, 2007

~Hanging in there~

~Hanging in there~

~I made it thru Chemo # 5 with a few blown veins and some nice left over bruises and I am already wiped out, Maddi was home sick yesterday with a head cold and slight fever, but by the end of the evening she was doing better, that's a good thing!!!~

I think I am more happy to know that I just have ONE LEFT and then I am done. I did have a bit of a meltdown before going into chemo as my oncologist said I might want to go to The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to talk to the top breast cancer radiologist there to see about having radiation.
We had lots of stuff to think over along with medical documentation that Bob sifted through (Medical lingo I don't understand) and I am not going to do, no appointment to Iowa City next week and I actually have a higher percentage of having heart failure or getting Leukemia from the chemotherapy than I have getting the breast cancer back from not taking radiation. SO, that has put my mind at ease!!!! And I can honestly say, mentally and physically I could not bear the thought of having to drive down to Iowa City every day for 6 weeks to get radiation treatments. I JUST CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE....I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!!

So, the picture you see above is not so glamorous....It was taken the day before Chemo # 5....It's AMAZING what Cancer does to a person, not only in the physical outward look of a person, but to a spirit, to a personality, to the outlook on life as a whole. I'm not quite sure what I'm suppose to be doing with my life, I think I have something I am suppose to do with going thru this cancer, but I haven't figured it out yet. I know this for sure....It sure has made me less quick to judge, less quick to complain or criticise, and made me love and respect people more than I ever would have....It has given me an appreciation and love for people I didn't even know and those that I do know. It has been an AMAZING JOURNEY and most of all, I have seen THERE REALLY ARE WONDERFUL GOOD PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN!!!



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

~Leaving for CHEMO # 5, Not CHANEL No. 5~

CHEMO # 5 will be starting in about an hour.....Just wanted to let everyone know that I am FEELING GREAT and I am DONE swimming in my pity pool, where I have been for the last 3 weeks or so.....I'm ON THE DOWN HILL SLIDE and I ask that you pray for some veins to work as most of them have collapsed or blown from the last 4 chemos....YUCK....but enough about that....

I hope to post tonight and also give a recent picture of me as I haven't had one for awhile....I have almost lost all my eyebrows and eye lashes.....goes with the bald head.....and hey, I still don't have to shave.....YIPPY!!!

Also, I was so excited to list ONE THING ON EBAY last night.....10 pages of that awesome 1930's Miniature Sheet Symphony Music. Click here to check it out if you get a chance and it's FREE SHIPPING TOO!!! It only took me 55 minutes to list my brains wouldn't remember how to list on eBay....I thought that was FUNNY!!! THIS TOO SHALL PASS

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for all your thoughts, prayers, cards and gifts....YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMAZE ME!!!
Hugs, Amy