Monday, November 08, 2010


Boy, was a I shocked 2 weeks ago when Bob came home, got on the computer and said, "You have 21 cars to pick from, pick the one you like"
WHAT????? You're kidding me????
So I loved the red one (of course, with red being my favorite color) and so he went down to see Darius Loveless (AWESOME GUY) at Toyota of Iowa City and picked it up. (this all happened while I was so sick)....when he got home with it, he handed me the keys and said, "Now go see Kristi!!!!"
So, we planned the trip and thought we better go before the snow starts and here we are, leaving in LESS THAN 24 hours, in the new's a GORGEOUS RED 2007 Toyota Camry, loaded, only 22,000 miles and still under warranty. You have no idea how excited I am. The newest car I have ever bought was at least 10 years old. Most my cars I have bought have been in the $3000 range. I feel pretty special and am soooo thankful for such an AWESOME HUBBY!!!!
We will be gone for 10 days, me, Alli and Maddi. No one else could go and when I get back I will have new goodies on the website.
Kristi already said there is tons of consignment and 2nd hand stores down in Panama City and so I hope to bring back a bunch of goodies.
See you when I get back and if I can figure out how to post pictures from her place I will.........
Hugs and Love, Amy