Saturday, February 16, 2008

~Jimminy Christmas~


HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! Tomorrow I am having an MRI because I am in so much pain in my lower back (the part below where I had emergency back surgery just 15 months ago) and my left leg is going numb.....I am now on Oxycodne AND Cyclobenzaprine and I am LOOPY as all get out. Needless to say, I cannot believe this....I JUST WANT TO BE BETTER....PERIOD!!!
Above is a copy of my orders for my MRI at 9:15am tomorrow...YES, SUNDAY!!! Here's hoping it goes okay....

I do see my neurosurgeon on Friday but my regular doctored wanted the MRI done ASAP as he is not liking what he sees.
Here's to GOOD NEWS!!! Hugs and Love, Amy

Friday, February 15, 2008

~IT'S OFFICIAL~ & More Free Graphics~

~IT'S OFFICIAL~ I AM CANCER FREE~ ~I AM STILL IN SHOCK and SO HAPPILY OVERWHELMED. I truly think it is going to take some time for me to realize what has just happened to me in the last year. I honestly don't think the entire cancer journey has hit me yet. I went into a survival mode and it over took everything I did. For the last year I have slept, drank, ate, and breathed cancer. All I know is that I WANT to make the most of everyday from now on. It was WONDERFUL to hear the DOCTOR say those words, "You are Officially Cancer Free". I am beside myself!!!
All my Love and Hugs, Amy
(PS....feel free to take any of these darling graphics and as always, you are WELCOME to use all of my backgrounds and graphics from my website, . You don't even need to ask or give me credit. I LOVE TO SHARE!!!!)

~MORE FUN GRAPHICS COMING SOON....if there is ANYTHING you are looking for, I might have it, don't hesitate to ask~

Tuesday, February 12, 2008



~Please feel free to take these adorable vintage postcard graphics~

~You are always welcome to take my graphics and backgrounds from my website ~

~I just LOVE these old postcards, have fun, can't you see some with glitter?~

~Hello Everyone~

I'm not sure why but I am really getting nervous for my 4 month check since my last chemo treatment. CAN YOU BELIEVE it's BEEN FOUR MONTHS TOMORROW since my last treatment and it seems like yesterday. TOO MANY ICKY MEMORIES, I would rather forget. I will go in and say hello to the gals in the chemotherapy room but I know I won't really want to go in that room and see all those effect by cancer with IV's in them.

I go for blood work and to talk with Dr. Ghosh, my oncologist. While we are talking, my blood test results will come in. I just got off the phone with my big brother Lee who told me they have "markers" that will tell them if there is anything to be conserned about with the cancer. I had no idea, LOL.....I didn't know why they needed to take blood if they couldn't find the cancer in the first place by taking blood. Silly me....guess I should do more homework but I would really rather put all of this behind me. If you get a chance, please pray for my nerves and that my appointment goes well. Also, my big brother Lee's wife, Susie is having surgery on her arm tomorrow, so we will be going over to the hospital right after my 9:00am appointment. Pray for her too!!!

Then, in the afternoon, I have one more doctor's appointment with my almost 18 year old, Kristi. She is going in for her very first female check up and is very nervous about cervical cancer and now breast cancer that runs in our families. Pray she doesn't get too worked up about all of it as she is my drama queen!!!! She is worried that she might have one or both. I told her to chill out and stop thinking that way!!! I can understand her worry but at the same time, why borrow trouble. (yeah Amy, think about that tomorrow while you are at the doctors yourself)

Oh, and it looks like my computer won't be here until next week. In the meantime, I am going to try to limp through putting "EASTER TREASURES" on the website this upcoming weekend. It's all ready, it's just waiting for pictures and prices!!! I AM SO READY FOR SPRING!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


~OOPS~ Just a couple things....My computer is just about done and I am getting a new one this week. Bob ordered one for me for my birthday, so I won't be online or listing on the website until I get my new computer. THANK YOU HONEY!!!
I AM GOING TO HAVE A GIVEAWAY just as soon as my new computer is up and running....I am working on a ONE OF A KIND MOSAIC treasure to give away!!!
I didn't post it was my birthday this week because EVERYDAY is a BIRTHDAY for me since going thru the fight of cancer. Thank you to everyone who wrote to me and sent cards for my birthday. It was a great snow day!!! (School was called off due to the 13 plus inches we got)
THIS WEEK, Wednesday, I GO FOR MY 1st CHECK UP since my last chemo....4 months ago. Can you believe it's been that long??? Seems like yesterday to me.
Hugs and Love, Amy
(PS....this computer is running so slow, it take 6 to 7 minutes just for a blog to come up and then another 4 minutes to be able to leave a comment. Just wait til I have my new one, I will be zipping around like a crazy woman catching up with everyone!!! YIPPY SKIPPY)