Thursday, June 12, 2008

~~No mail no internet~~!!

This is Anna in California and Amy wishes she was here right now!
Due to the floods in Cedar Rapids She has no Internet no land line phone and no postal mail going in or out for at least 7 to 10 days. Everything is underwater however she and her family are fine.See the post below and click on the link below to see the latest.I will check this blog daily and keep Amy informed of your concerns.Please pray for her and her family and all the other people affected by the flooding and other results of the weather conditions in the Midwest and surrounding areas. God Bless, Anna T

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

~WE ARE FLOODING~Worst than 1993 Floods

~WORST FLOODING than 1993~

HOW SAD....Linn County (my county) has just been declared a disaster area and a disaster emergency!!!! They have started evacuating PALO and others in the path of the Cedar River. Only ONE bridge remains open as they just closed the last of five of them this morning. Our smaller towns are surrounded by the flood waters and cannot even get in or out of town.

Check out this link Cedar Rapids Gazette for pictures of the floods. PLEASE PRAY FOR US and ALL OF THE FLOOD VICTIMS ALL AROUND US!!!! All my Love, Amy