Sunday, August 19, 2007


SCHOOL STARTS THIS WEEK and for the first time in my life, I AM EXCITED!!! I used to cry when the kids had to go back to school because I loved the summer with no schedules, no practices, no games and no homework. BUT.....this will be the first time in 6 and a half years that I will have all the kids in school. I AM BESIDE MYSELF to think I will have full days to myself to get stuff done that I have always wanted to get done. Just to be able to run to the store without someone tagging along will be soooo much fun!!! Please don't think I am a bad mom for feeling this way, I just never had my kids in daycare, pre-school, or to a babysitters since they were born and this is a new freedom I am looking forward to!!!!
I am still fighting my mouth sores, nothing is working and it's getting hard to swallow. I go to the doctors tomorrow to get more blood work done and get my red blood cell shot (that one is only $5000.00....LOL a mere $1000.00 less than the white blood/bone marrow shot that I have the day after chemo). And if this shot doesn't work, then I will have to have a blood transfusion. PLEASE PRAY they don't blow out any veins (it finally happened at my last chemo treatment and IT HURT. And pray this shot WORKS....I am scared to death to have a blood transfusion)
I finally felt good enough yesterday to go get Maddi's school clothes, yet it wore me out. So, I am taking this week off from the blog. The big girls start school tomorrow, Maddi has her dry-run on the bus tomorrow, then a half-day on Tuesday and then full days start on Wednesday. And Nick and Alex start school on Wednesday. Needless to say, I will be busy with all of them and need to take the break. Here to a FABULOUS NEW WEEK to all of you.


Betty said...

Amy, I remember when my kids were all finally in school all day. I love them and I am said to be a "great" mom but what FREEDOM that was. I did feel a little lost at first and then I began to enjoy it. Too bad you live so far away. Its a perfect time to have coffee or a "milkshake" with your friends. Take care of yourself this week! Love ya!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I hope that all goes good for you tomorrow! Toes, fingers, arms, legs crossed! Love you! Becky

Anonymous said...

Amy, I only had one son, and I admit that I loved when he went back to school. It meant that he would be at a sitters all day since I worked, and I knew he would have playmates. I was home one year while he was in school, it was glorious.
My sister Linda had one transfusion through her first set of chemo, and she said she didn't really mind it, but I'm finding out that she is one powerful, strong woman. You remind me of her, only a younger version..LOL
Big Hugs to you!

Judy said...

Have a good week and I hope everything goes OK at the doctors. Oh how I remember the days my kids were in school and my days were mine...OH JOY!!! I used to look forward to summer and then counting the days they would be back in school again.

a Bohemian Market said...

Darlin Amy:
Anyone with children (young or grown) know what a treat to have them all in school and able to do the things you put to the side so you can be the best Mom there is, knows you are De MOM!!!
I think the world of you; PLEASE get well!!!
Love & Hug

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Best wishes to all your youngsters as they start school this week, and hope all goes well with you too! Will *talk* to you after your blogging break!

Betty said...


Wishing you a wonderful week that God will grant you the strength each day....

I mailed you a red hat a couple or three weeks ago. I hope you received it...

Remembering you in my thoughts and prayers....Betty @ Country Charm

The Urban Chic said...

Amy enjoy your week off and your new freedom---you have earned it. I enjoyed being home with mine until the last one started school, then I went to work for 7 years, then quit when he was 13. So rest and enjoy. Hugs, Pat

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Oh yes a milkshake!! You will enjoy your free days (like I do) and the time will fly by...they'll step off the bus starving to death and you will say...but it is only 3:30 and try to hold them off until supper...
I'm praying Amy!

Anonymous said...

Amy ~ This brought back a bittersweet memory when our youngest entered school. Aaron started calling home sick regularly and we couldn't figure out what this new "stage" was all about. It turned out he thought his dad (who works nights) would be bored and lonely. Talk about tears!!! Anyway...enjoy the kid-free hours. All parents (especially moms like you) need a break from time-to-time. Use some of the time to rest and enjoy peace and quiet. Blessings & Smiles ~ Susie

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Enjoy your new freedom. Take a shopping trip, take a cup of tea, take a break, take a NAP!! Take good care of yourself. You continue in my thoughts & prayers.

Angelic Accents

blessings said...

You - A bad mom??? Please! Will continue to pray. Blessings... Polly

The Honourable Billy Blunt said...

I hope all goes well for you,I just found your blog and I had Cfour years ago and had radiotherapy,
Very Best Wishes Kat x

savvycityfarmer said...

I will never have the empty nest syndrome....mine will be beginning this Sunday and this one is cause they're all growed up and moving....yeah, we can run around naked ( my husbands' wish)

MJ said...

So glad to hear that you are feeling better! I am starting teaching (less than part-time in Sept) & am looking forward to the few hours where I will be with adult students while K & N are in the care of someone else. Enjoy your time (which will be consumed with household activities anyway!) while the girls are in school! Take care!

Ginny Gibson said...

Just catching up with you and find you are out and about now which is good to hear.

My children are all at school now. It's quite strange on the first few days to have a completely silent house, but I find the day isn't long enough as I have to set off to collect them for 3.00 and that is the time I am just getting into the sewing and the fiddly things that can't be left:))

Best wishes Ginny

Anonymous said...

Praying that Maddi's first FULL day of school tomorrow goes off without a hitch. YOU get some rest young lady!!! We need you happy and healthy and rested. Keep smiling that beautiful smile!

Mary said...

Enjoy some free time Amy - you've earned it! Hope everything goes better for you this week - you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers daily.