2 people will win one of two 70 piece Vintage Valentine Day Paper Ephemera's....WHOO HOOO!!!!
Here is what you need to do to get your name in the drawing up to 3 times:
A. Post a comment on this post and tell me if you want Paper Ephemera #1 or #2
B. Become a follower of my blog
C. Post this giveaway on your blog
That's it...it's that simple.....Each one has 70 pieces of stickers, tickets, labels, valentines, postcards etc.
~Giveaway #2 pictured below~
HAVE FUN and I hope to see you around "The Cottage"
Hugs and Love, Amy
I would love to win either set,you pick, great giveaway, what gorgeous additions to your webstore
I am already a follower so...Pick me
What a fun giveaway! I would pick #1. Very pretty new goodies in your shop!
p.s. I'm already a follower. :D
Ohhhh Pick me! I love both of them! I'm off to visit the shop!
OHHHH, I picked a great time to follow!
You have been a busy bee today for sure. Whoosh that is a lot of listing for your website. Such super cute things too.
Okay, you know about my giveaway so I will have to post about yours this week to get the word out!
I would love pack #1 if i would be the lucky girl to win. Oh it is just so so great. I love Valentines day, it is the one holiday that I always make my husband a handmade valentine altered art collage. I have done it since our first year together. This will be #11. Whoa where did the time go....
Anyway thanks for offering a great giveaway.
I am already a follower and I would love #2 but it really doesn't matter since they are both sweet.
Please enter me in the giveaway!
Love the Vintage Valentines! I am a follower...so add me too your to your pick me list! #1 is my pick! hope I win! :) hugs, Judy
treasures said...
Thanks for having such a wonderful vintage Valentine giveaway! Would love to have #1, but I'll take #2 too.
Both are great!
Thanks so much!
~ Julie
treasures said...
I am a follower!!! :)
~ Julie
treasures said...
I have your giveaway posted on my sidebar! Thanks so much!
~ Julie
What a sweet giveaway....I would pick #2 but I love both of them....
Am already a follower of your blog...
Pretty neat little package your giving away there. I wouldn't know which one to choose, but I am a follower. Oh, and I love your pink plates with the white polka dots.
You are truly the Queen of Hearts to part with your treasures!
Thank you for your dreams! I admire your hearty spirit!
Oo a fun giveaway! You pick which one, I am a follower. judy
What fun, Amy ... another delicious giveaway. O\Please enter me ...
I sent you an email on an item I desire to buy.
Hope all is going well for you, my friend. Prayers ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
hi amy!!!!
count me in!!! i will take ephemera number 1 for 10,000 dollars please!!! hahaha.
awesome giveaway!!
i will post on my sidebard that you are having a giveaway!!!!!
good luck and thanks
Of course, I follow you.
TTFN ~M arydon
what an awesome giveaway- i hope you are looking for new followers- i'm here- and i like #2
tcogbill at live dot com
Thanks for giving me a chance at these giveaways! I love both of them ~ great for my scapbooking projects.
Joyce in St Louis
Hi Amy,
I'm loving your Valentine giveaway! I must visit your shoppe too!
Either one would be awesome to have!
Thank you!
deb :)
I'm following you, Amy!!
Deb :)
I love your blog. I'm a would-be crafter who just doesn't have the time. (So don't enter me in your contest.)
I love your Alice dishes but know nothing about them. It'll be interesting to solve this mystery.
Thanks for the trip; I'll be back.
Oh man oh man ! I love them both, I like # 1 best , but would be happy with #2 also . Excuse me while I jump over to your webpage . bye-bye
P.S. I am a follower !
I would love to win #1! Or #2. They're both great, so it doesn't matter to me! Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!
I've had you bookmarked for ages, but now I'm officially one of your followers!
I've been a follower for awhile.Love you vintage charm.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Oh they are both so beautiful! I'd be tickled with either.Count me in.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I'll post to my blog even though I really don't want to share these pretties.LoL.Warm Blessings!~Amy
I always seem to pop over when you are doing a giveaway...it is not on purpose...lol.
I would love to win either one and I will put your giveaway on my little bloggy.
Love to you Amy,
They are both wonderful-so fun and full of Valentine's pretties! Love them!
I am also a follower!
Found your blog through Vintagesue (she really did blog about you!). I will a. follow you b. blog about your giveaway and c.be terribly excited to win what's behind door #1!
Hi, Amy! Oh boy, I just always love the items you offer in your giveaways!! While both are awesome, I'm especially fond of the bashful lil gal (top left) in Giveaway #2 !! I just put up a post about some giveaways so I'll be happy to go back and add yours to my post!!!
BTW, you KNOW I've been a follower/stalker of yours forevah!!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Amy Sweetie...
A wonderful giveaway. Please enter me. I would love #2 please. That paper in #2 just stole my heart when I saw it. My mind is swimming of course with all the things that I could do with those tickets. Oh boy what fun. Stickers galore. Yeahhhh.
Yes please enter me. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry
Hey, sweetness, I posted about your kind giveaway today!! Hop over and see it soon!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hi Amy Sweetie...
I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I love your blog home and I can't wait to share with you. I love meeting new friends.
Please enter me again. I would be so happy if you stopped by and said hello. I would be honored if you followed my blog as well. Blogging is such a wonderful way to meet new friends.
Many country hugs, Sherry
Hi Amy Sweetie...
I have now listed your giveaway in my scrollbar. Please enter me a third time. Oh what fun it is.
Again, I can't wait to have you pop by. Many country hugs, Sherry
I like them both but I think I'll go with 1 :).
I'm a follower.
Kristen Smith
I would pick #2. Just found your site and love it. Going to you shop next.
what a wonderful giveaway! i can't pick one which i like better but, eenie meenie minee mo, i pick #1. thanks!
Oh they both look so wonderful but I think I like # 2 the best. Thanks so much.
Good morning, please consider me for your giveway, I would love to win #1 but #2 would be good as well, it is always fun to win no matter what it is! :) I will also now be a follower of Four Sisters In a Cottage.
Thanks & have a wonderful day.
Amy, Wow what lovely stuff!
Please Please Please enter me in your wonderful give-a-way...
Take care! Hugs & blessings & HAPPY NEW YWAR!!! ~Mary~ :-}
I love them both, you can pick for me!
I'm follower
Please include me in your sweet give-away ! I would be happy to win either one . I'm also following you :o) Thanks so much.
:o) Sue
Amy Please enter me in your super giveaway. This would all come in handy and I love the crocheted doilies. I have very little Valentine things. Hugs, Pat
OH MY GOODNESS! Please enter me into your give away! I should be delighted with either collection. Must I choose? I stopped by today after visiting Sherry at "County Pheonix" for Pink Saturday.
Hi: Found you by accident and you are having a give away. Is this my lucky day or what? Your blog looks like so much fun. I look forward to getting to know you better. Have a blessed New Year. Martha
I'm a follower! And both are so nice, I would like to win the first set.
What wonderful goodies! ummm #1 is what I would pick.
Thank you for the chance.
I am a follower.
Thank you so much for coming by and visiting me! Now I know where you are. You have a lovely blog, and a fab shop!
Both packas are amazing, what a treat you've put together. I would love either, but if I were to pick than #2 it would be. What a fun giveaway. Thanks so much.
I have your giveaway announced and linked on my blog.
I am a follower of your blog. What fun! I love vintage and antique treasures and your blog plus store are such a delight.
I'm happily following along with you.I think either set is divine,so I'd be a very happy girl which ever one was chosen.Thanks for the chance..xx
Hi Sweet Amy,
I would be delighted to win either of these!
Thank you!
I'm a follower :)
What an awesome give away. I learned about your give away from Julie at Salt box Treasures, posted on her side bar.
I would love either one but #2 IS THE ONE I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE MINUTE I SAW IT.
Thank you for this give away.
Have a Sugar Sweet day
Simply Debbie
I have been a follower of your blog for a long time and would love for you to stop by and see me.
Have a sugar sweet day
Simply Debbie
I was honored to post your give away on my blog.
Thanks again for one more chance to win this awesome give away
Have a sugar sweet day
Simply Debbie
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog at The Gilded Cherub. Thanks also for the nice comments. I would love to win you give away.. I would love to win the second set of Valentine goodies.
Thank you,
The Gilded Cherub
I'm already a follower on your blog!!
Thank you,
The Gilded Cherub
Me again...
Not sure how to post your pics of the give away on my blog but I am going to blog about it so other bloggers stop by... Thank you again... Hope I win... good luck to everyone.
The Gilded Cherub
I'm just now getting into mixed media so this giveaway is right up my alley!
I'm a new follower, and I'm posting about you giveaway in my sidebar.
Oh wow, what a great Valentine's giveaway. I would very much love to be entered in your giveaway. Thank you so much,
Susan @CluckleBees.blogspot.com
Oh, I am a follower. :-)
Still possible to get in on this?!?!?!
I would love to be - I am a follower! They re both precious sets, but I like the little fairy in set #1!
I am a new follower and very bummed that I missed the chance of entering your lovely give away... The items were all soooo sweet. Congratulations to the winners:) I am new to the blogging world and I am so inspired by how many talented women are out there:) My blog is sweetvintagehomeandgarden.blogspot.com. Stop by and say hi...
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