From L to R: My Baby Brother Jeff, My Mom, My Big Brother Lee, Me and Kristi
Kristi at age 3 1/2, trying on her Uncle Harv's Military Boots and Hat, how ironic!!!
Above are just a few of TONS of pictures I took at Kristi's going away party. I only have a few more days with her before she will become US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. Where did the TIME GO???? I have been so busy with spending as much time as I can with her and the other girls that I haven't finished the goodies on the website. HOPEFULLY, next week after she is gone I will be able to concentrate on it. Some days I feel like I am going MAD!!!! LOL
I haven't slept, honestly, I am a basket case and have meltdowns constantly. I am just going thru the motions of each day.
"BREAST CANCER WARNING to EVERYONE who has gone thru or will be going thru BREAST CANCER"
I FIRED MY plastic surgeon today. His nurse is a PIECE OF WORK. I got all of my medical records and said SEE YA LATER!!! I have since found out that I am not the only one who is having problems with his nurse. I look back now (because when you are going thru breast cancer and a radical bi lateral mastectomy you really are NOT in your right mind, it's UNCHARTED TERRITORY that you have no idea what to do but do what the doctors tell you to do) and I realize the pain and suffering she put me thru, I just get mad as hell. YES, I tried to talk to her, YES, I privately talked with the doctor. Yet, never an apology, never a sorry I messed up. Just arrogance and a big brush off. Shame on them for all of this and dismissing me like I am just another number.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE SURE you get to talk to YOUR DOCTOR, and NOT THE NURSE when you have BIG QUESTIONS of concern. Looking thru my records, 5 out of every 6 entry is from Nurse B.....not ONCE did she talk to the doctor about it....IT'S ALL IN WRITING TOO!!! I am not quite sure what I am going to do about this but I will be doing SOMETHING!!! If just warning others about this type of practice, and it helps one person, then I feel better.
OH, and get this, the gal that gave me my records, asked me if I was Kristi's Mom.....I said, Yes!!!! And she proceeds to tell me that she is dating Kristi's boyfriends dad who is NOT yet divorced. So, as I leave, I call Kristi to tell her what a small world it is, tell her about that, hang up and my phone rings. It's the GIRL from the OFFICE.....back peddling about how sorry she was about saying anything about Kristi, her boyfriend or his Dad. I find that odd and say no problem.....but as I am sitting in the truck driving home I realize.....WHOA....WAIT A MINUTE.....WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PRIVACY ACT that I signed in the office, and EVERY medical office I have been in......she just BREACHED that PRIVACY by talking about ME, to her boyfriend (Kristi's boyfriends dad) and who knows whatever else she said......PLEASE FORGIVE Me for I am not in my right mind right now. I just think it's pretty crappy all the way around.
So really, that part isn't a big deal.....It was un-intentional and so I am letting it go, but the Nurse B thing, I am going to write a letter, to the Doctor and say my peace that way. It's never my intent to hurt anyone, I don't want to be spiteful, I just don't want ANYONE to ever have to go thru what I have gone thru with this nurse. AND IN DEFENSE OF NURSES......I understand, you have to do the job of both nurse and doctor at times, I know you have to weed out the whiners, complainers and such, but I hardly ever called (even my oncologist got after me for NOT calling when I was feeling ill) and when I did, I was dismissed, which is all in the medical records. So, there ya have it...BE AN ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF, if you don't NO ONE ELSE WILL!!! And I am the first one to admit, I pretty much have to be on my death bed or in such awful pain before I call a doctor. EVERYONE will tell you that!!!!
Oh, and then I get a call from school that Maddi got in trouble in ART class for SWEARING....she said 'Holy Crap"....and was sent out to the hall and the art teacher said she was crying and she couldn't get her to stop. (she did not say the S word but CRAP) THIS IS THE KICKER.....I walk into the school to get to the bottom of it and the teacher NEVER HEARD her say it, she said another child told her Maddi said it and THE TEACHER has A PIERCED NOSE!!!! What???......My kid is in trouble for saying Holy Crap but you can flaunt a God awful PIERCED NOSE and that's okay???? AND...I find it OFFENSIVE when someone uses the Lords Name in vein, but I think that's okay with the school, so, ....I think I am going to go to school, once again tomorrow and see what exactly is on this "swearing list". By the way, Maddi did say it, and that was wrong if that is their rules, then so be it, but how are you suppose to know the swear word rules when no one has told them to you????? This is a NEW SCHOOL and she is in 1st grade. Oh, now I remember WHY I HOME SCHOOLED MY OLDER GIRLS!!!!
Off to go sit in my favorite Lay-z-boy LEATHER MASSAGE CHAIR I picked up at a sale for $30.00!!!! YEAH.....NO KIDDING.......It's AWESOME for my back and legs and even has heat...oh and did I tell you it's in RED!!!!
Love and Hugs, Amy
Love and Hugs, Amy
What a daaAAAaaayyyy, sweet chickee!! My gosh, I'm glad I don't encounter things like that. Woooooooeeee, I'd come unglued. I have my doctor wrapped around my little finger, honey. I tell HER what I want! But she is excellent and caring. I wouldn't have it any other way. Have a pepsi and relax, sweetpea.......
Smooches after such a hard day,
You are right to vent. I'm trying to fire my Dr. at Kaiser for not discussing treatments with me. After 2 years I found out I had a kidney problem. She could have told me sooner. At Kaiser they don't want you to change Drs. You have to go on a waiting list...more run around! So we'll get a different insurance plan come January.
Well Holy Crap Amy!! Good grief you had a day. That chair sounds like the place to be.
Hi Amy,
WOW what a day or 2 you have had.
Yes you do have to be your adovcate for ALL medical things. We found this out when my husband needed surgery to repair 2 broken bones in his leg...of course you don't know what questions to ask if it your first time...
Did you receive the little package I sent you???
Enjoy your massage chair:)
Warmly, Deb
Hi Amy, so sorry for all your troubles. I have had days like that before. I hope your red leather chair makes you feel better. And what a bargin,$30.00 bucks for a leather chair. Love the picture of you and the family. You all favor a lot.
Blesssings, Shelley
Wow Amy!!!! You know...the sweetest nurses I have ever met were where I had my surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in NYC...I was amazed at the kindness, respect, consideration and gentleness each of those wonderful nurses had towards EVERYONE!!!
I told my surgeon how happy I was with the nurses and he told me, that when it comes to cancer patients, not only did they hire nice, good, competent nurses, BUT IN ADDITION they have to train to deal SPECIFICALLY with cancer patients and go to refresher courses every 3 months or so....
You know..those nurses are so lucky you are so nice!!!
Please let your surgeon know ALL the details of why you chose to leave him. He probably has his nose buried in some book and does not even know how shabbily those nurses are behaving towards his patients.
I am so sorry you had to go through all that!!!!
About Kristi: Just enjoy her, Amy....Try not to think...We are all praying for her...she will be fine...
Much love to you, my sweet friend!!!
Wow...we come from a conservative Christian family and not a day goes by that one of my kids doesn't say Holy Crap...gimme a break! What gets my attention is when someone says OH MY GOD....I wonder how the school feels about that?
CRAP is NOT a swear...should she have said Holy Fecal Matter? Is that more politically correct? UGH!
Sorry about all your frustration with the Dr office Amy..I had no idea...
Amy, I have not gone through the hell you have with cancer, but I have been so screwed over by a local hospital it's pathetic. They have overdoses me twice, I have almost had staph infections and you name it. i now gotwo cities away for a hospital and also if I don't like the staff and tell the doc and am not treated better, so long! I have had 8 sugeries in 15 years and WILL NOT accept crappy care from anyone! And boy do I read about every single procedure I'm having and drug! I also check on the doc's online! Schools are nuts i agree! Good luck to your daughter and thank her for being such a brave young woman! Guess we know who she got that from huh! You go girl, Lori
Vent away babycakes! You deserve it, you have every rite to!
Amy, I thought I had a bad day---good for you though, standing up to your nurse and doctor. I am almost ready to do that, only he closed his surgical practice and now teaches. I'm fixing to go vent on my blog, but this is a little different, but I am totally PO.
RED you said---oh I can just feel it now. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.
I learned before I went for my first surgery and looked up everything I needed to know about it, so I was my own advocate and the nurses thought I was a nurse because we knew so much about a Nissan Fundoplication for my GERD. Love and Hugs, Pat
I'm sure your doctor would want to know that his nurse is a b*tch! You're right. You do have to be your own advoctate when it comes to YOUR health! Just because someone has an R.N. after their name doesn't always make them a good person. Just ask my hubby! He works with some real winners.
Anyway...you deserve a break in your chair.
I also wanted to tell you what a pretty daughter you have. How tall are your brothers and Kristi? Your mama should be so proud of her "offspring". What a great looking family!
Amy, hope things get better. You have been through enough without being pushed around by some bully nurse. Good luck to you. I still can't get my medical records from the doctor my surgeon sent them to. They told me they have custody over them for 10 years, but I have found a way to get them. Love Ya, Pat
Hi Amy girl...
Wowzer, what a rough few days you have had!
Thinking of you...I'm sure your very worried about Kristi leaving, I know I would be!
My thoughts and prayers are with her & all who serve our country!
God Bless...
You sweet thing, this just blows my mind.
so sorry you had a real CRAPPY day! ( poor kid) and it will be ok. so hugs from some lady you dont even know. i am glad you have a wonderful chair. ENJOY!!
Yes, we certainly do all have to stick up for ourselves! And I KNOW you can do it - you've got moxie way beyond what most of us probably do (I know I don't have half your moxie)! =) Sad state of affairs when we have to keep an eye on those who are supposed to be taking care of US!
I catch up on your blog weekly, I just read your post about standing up for your against the DR. and school. Good for you!!!!
What was the outcome at school did they have a list, and what an example for the 1 st graders, a ring in the nose, really, OMG. Did you complain about that?
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