Monday, August 27, 2007

~So Disappointed, BUT Still Honored~

~SO DISAPPOINTED, BUT STILL HONORED~Well darn it, I am so disappointed as we didn't get to go to the Lance Armstrong Presidential Forum as there was too much red tape involved and it just wasn't going to happen. I am really bummed out but they did thank us for being so accommodating and willing. Oh well, maybe next time....And it really was an HONOR TO EVEN BE ASKED in the first place. So that's pretty cool!!!!

On a POSITIVE NOTE, My Sweet Oncologist, Dr. Ghosh, was able to have lunch with Lance and speak with him then, I even seen them together on the news, so that's pretty cool. I will get the whole story when I go in on Wednesday for my next blood work, check up and chemo treatment.

If you can, please pray that my head cold that I am getting goes away and that the water I am retaining also floats away because I don't want to take any more drugs....I am pretty sick of that part of all of this. WHEW!!!!

It's been nice having the kids back in school however, I haven't done a thing. I am still sleeping whenever I can, which is most of the day....LOL. Other than that...just think....after Wednesday...ONLY 2 MORE TREATMENTS!!!! WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE????

Is anyone in the FALL/WINTER MOOD YET???
I am going to have a FREE GIVEAWAY TOMORROW to kick off the FALL SEASON!!!

Love and Hugs to ALL OF YOU and I can't wait to give something away, Amy


Anonymous said...

Amy, So sorry you didn't get to go to the forum, but glad your doctor was able to speak with them!! That's so cool!
YES, I am in the mood for fall and winter. In fact I bought little Lexxi her winter coat and mittens today! LOL! You can never be too prepared here in Colorado! =)
You take advantage of your quiet days and keep resting up. Hard to believe you're almost done! WOO HOO!
Love ya, Camie

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about you missing out on the forum, but I'm still very proud of you! Rest as much as you can, your chemo is almost over, and I'm sure you'll be busy with the Christmas season coming.

Becky said...

Sorry you weren't able to go.
Get as much rest as you can. And know that we are all thinking and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy- I can not believe how big your baby is- I remember when you were pregnant with her!

I am definitely in the mood for fall- even redecorating my living room from yellow/red/blue to red/olive/'s just paint!

Hugs to you and stay strong girl!

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Amy ~ I am sorry that you didn't get to go to the forum but that is great that your oncologist got to be involved ~ That is wonderful that you only have 2 chemo treatments left ! Girl, you need a HUGE celebration !!!
Lots of hugs and prayers !

Mary said...

Sorry you didn't make it Amy but I'm sure it was for a good reason and it may have been too tiring for you at this point in your treatment. Only two to go - right on girl, you're doing great and were still thinking of you every day.
Hugs - take cae.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Sorry that you couldn't make the forum. Very glad that you are so far along in your treatments!!

Yes, I'm sooo ready for cooler weather & Halloween! I just love to decorate for the Trick or Treaters!!

Hugs & Prayers,
Angelic Accents

a Bohemian Market said...

Amy Darlin:
Darn it : (
Well, I guess there is a reason things happen as they do?
Love & Hugs

Betty said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to go. Maybe they will make it a yearly event and next year you will be strong and ready to stand up there and speak about your winning battle with cancer! You really would make a good spokesperson!

Lallee said...

I'm so sorry you didn't get to go, but you are right it was quite an honor to be invited.

Anonymous said...

Amy, I'm so sorry that you didn't get to go! But oh such an honor! Also, I hope that you received the hat that I sent you didn't come back to me so I am hoping it arrived safe and sound! I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. Hang in there sweetie!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Sweet Amy, I hope all the yuckiness associated with chemo just flies away, never to return!!! =) hugs!